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3 Simple Content Marketing Strategies

Having a clear marketing strategy set in place will give you a clear vision of your goal and will help you stick to your campaign plan and be successful. Here are three strategies to help you along the way. 1. Posting less content on Facebook will get you more viewership Having fewer and good quality[...]
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Online Reputation Management Best Practices

Ever since the concept of “Relationship Management” became widely popular not just in the service industry, but also all other businesses, big or small, it has been the centre of every marketing strategy. Additionally, with the massive load of information available online about every single thing in the world, it has become even more crucial[...]
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The Avengers and Social Media

I am a Social Media professional, and a hardcore Avengers fan. So, I wondered – which Social Media site could be compared to which Avenger hero? Valid question, don’t you think? So here’s a small article comparing the qualities of these websites with the super heroes. The Hulk as Facebook The Hulk is the big[...]
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What Matters the most – Quality or Quantity?

As far as blogs going on the website is considered, there are two distinct belief systems among marketers. Some believe in Quality, while some believe in Quantity. Whilst quality is always the foundation for effective content strategy, quantity too has a major impact on practical grounds. Take for ex., Hubspot, which garners nearly 6 million[...]
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